воскресенье, 29 января 2012 г.

What to do in Petersburg in the winter?

The majority of tourists visit St.-Petersburg in the summer. But also the winter has advantages.

The majority of tourists visit St.-Petersburg in the summer. From the beginning of May on the end of August the city is flooded by tourists. With this time only New Year's holidays can argue. To meet new year or Christmas in Petersburg - the true romanticism. But if you go to Petersburg not on purpose to sit in summer cafe or to look at fountains of Peterhof, welcome to Northern Venice in the winter! Unless it is possible to feel on the present spirit of NORTHERN Venice in the SUMMER?

Winter travel to Petersburg has a number of advantages:

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1. The cheap prices for residing, the big free number fund in hotels. If for the order of a hotel accommodation in the summer you need to do it a minimum for a month happens enough and weeks in the winter. During the period from October till April (except for New Year's holidays) hotels of Petersburg seldom when are completely populated. Therefore to choose a suitable variant at this time is much easier. For attraction of tourists during "a low season" hotels reduce the prices. In the winter we can pay for number approximately in one and a half time more cheaply than in the summer.

2. Absence of turns in museums. In the summer for Hermitage visiting it is necessary to stay in turn from 30 minutes till 2 o'clock. In the winter of turn in the most known museum of Petersburg is not present. And Hermitage halls are almost empty. You go on huge smart halls practically alone, visit a museum without vanity and a crush. To photograph halls at this time it is much more interesting and more convenient. Same Kunstkamera concerns also.

3. An open theatrical season. In the end of May - the beginning of June many Petersburg theatres are closed on vacation and renew the work only in September. If you want is high-grade to feel cultural life of Petersburg, to visit Aleksandrinsky or the Maryinsky Theater, Big Drama Theatre, to do it it is necessary only during a low tourist season.

4. An abundance of exhibitions, conferences, forums. If you business, scientific or modern art life of Petersburg it is recommended to visit our city during a low tourist season interests. In the summer many organizers of such actions suit them outside of Petersburg, have simply a rest. In the summer Petersburgers leave in holidays, therefore to organise such actions begins difficult.

5. An originality of winter beauty of Petersburg. Type in Yandex: "Petersburg in the winter". The Search engine will give out sites with winter photos of Petersburg, and a number of pictures from the base. Snow-covered Petersburg very much also is very beautiful, and such he cannot be seen in the summer. The winter beauty of landscape parks of Tsarskoje Selo and Pavlovsk never will leave you indifferent.

Certainly, summer visiting of Petersburg too has pluses. In Peterhof fountains work, it is possible to go for a drive after Neva and channels on boats, in a warm season it is more convenient to walk on streets. But if you already were in Petersburg in the summer certainly it is necessary to see our city and in other appearance. If for you the financial aspect of a trip is important to go to northern capital costs during a low tourist season.

High humidity is peculiar to a climate of Petersburg. Therefore the high and low temperature at us is felt sharply. 20-25 degrees cold - are already very cold. Therefore, preparing for winter travel, be reserved by warm clothes, footwear with a thick sole, caps, gloves..